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Monday, November 6, 2017

China : Crystalline Turquoise Lake

  • November 06, 2017
  • by

It is said that if there should be wonderlands on the earth, Jiuzhai Valley must be one of them. There is no equal elsewhere that has sceneries and fables of dreamlike eloquence, or natural purities like a fairyland as it.
Jiuzhai Valley is locally known as Jiuzhaigou (Chinese for “Nine Village Valley”). It is a national park located in the Min Shan mountain range, Northern Sichuan in South Western China. It is best known for its fabled blue and green lakes, spectacular waterfalls, narrow conic karst land forms and its unique wildlife. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992; the park joined the Man and Biosphere Conservation Network in 1997 and has also received IUCN and ISO 14,001 accreditations.

The Crystalline Turquoise Lake which is one of the main attractions of the Jiuzhaigou National Park gets its uniqueness from its crystal clear water which seems to be untouched by any living presence for decades. Every year nearly 200, 000 people visit the Crystalline Turquoise Lake; however this has not diminished the clarity of the water to even the least.
It is also known as the Five Flower Lake of China. A myriad of colours, such as turquoise, blue, green, yellow, and so on makes the Crystalline Lake exceedingly beautiful. Added to these are the trunks of the trees which have fallen in the lake to make a criss-cross pattern on the bed.
As the lake is surrounded by mountains and a variety of foliage, the crystal clear waters of the Crystalline Turquoise Lake reflects the nature around and creates a spectacle out of it. It is perhaps because of its surreal beauty that the people of the nearby villages have also attached a number of myths to it.

The Crystalline Turquoise Lake and Jiuzhaigou National Park together end up drawing a huge number of tourists every year. It was last estimated in 2004 that nearly 7,000 people visit the place on a daily basis. This number rises to 12,000 during the best seasons of the year. Though accessing the Jiuzhaigou National Park by road is a difficult task but, most tourists take bus rides while going one way and come back on foot the other way. However, it is good to remember that this path is always prone to earthquakes and landslides.

The ticket to enter is divided according to the day of visit to be 2 that is CNY220 (Apr. 1 to nov.15) opening hours are 07.00 - 19.00 and CNY80 (Nov. 16 to mar. 31) opening hours are 08.00 - 18.00.

The best time to visit is the time of the afternoon, because the time of sunset is a beautiful atmosphere that can be experienced. While staying here it is advisable to spend time enjoying the sights available at.

Compiled by :
·         1 : Ivan Rifqy Riadhy
·         2 : Nisrina Tifani
·         3 : Insan Sekar Kinanti
·        4 : Grey Syafiq Kusuma


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