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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Lombok : Tangsi Beach

  • October 31, 2017
  • by
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “beach”? You'd probably think of a plain stretch of white sand against the ocean. But could you imagine a beach with pink sand? It sounds absurd, however in Indonesia not one but two beached with pink sand exist. One pink beach located in Komodo National Park in East Nusa Tenggara, and the more famous one in Lombok island, known as Tangsi Beach.

As a beach that has pink sand, Tangsi Beach is better known as Pink Beach. Tangsi Beach got the name from the color of the beach sand. The sand has pink color, making it distinguish than any other beaches. The pink color of the beach was said to derive from the fractions of coral reefs, named Homtrema rubrum, which mixed with white sand of the beach. Reflection of sunlight and exposure to sea water adds to the more clearly visible pink beach color. This beach is so calm and only has a small wave that makes tourists more comfortable when playing there[1]

Tangsi Beach is situated in Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is actually beautiful, however, the location is too remote and the infrastructure is inadequate. You will need about two and a half an hour driving from Mataram. The beauty of Pink Beach also looks perfect with the surrounding hills. On the left side there is a hill with vast meadows. In addition, there is also an exotic promontory on the rig ht side with a gazebo provided on it.  [1][2]

When you come to Pink Beach, you can do many activities, especially water activities. Water activities in the beach are fun and exciting, like snorkeling, fishing, diving or surfing. Snorkeling will allow you to learn more about the underwater life of the beach. You must bring your own equipment if you want to do this activity. No rental activity is found in the beach. You can also swim in the edge of the beach. The clear and clean water is safe for you to swim at any time. Another challenging activity you can do in the beach is water sports, like sea kayak. Sea  kayak will be fun, and you will have a challenging experience when you choose this activity. [3]

The local village say the barracks Coastal Beach Pink takes two hours from the city of Mataram and Senggigi, a considerable distance away. Exactly the same route with the route to Tanjung Ringgit, because the two adjacent locations the Only barracks beach entrance is on the left, approximately 1 KM prior to Tanjung Ringgit. Well at the entrance there are instructions or small signs to the left of the road reads PINK Beach 50 meters. You can rent a motorcycle from Mataram with IDR 75.000 for 1 day. [4]

Tangsi beach is very tranquil, exeptionally calming especially during the dry season. It is most enjoyable to go there between April untill August, while the sun shines more frequently. We recomend you to go there soon, before it gets too crowded. Go there and you can experience one of the last peaceful Paradises on earth

Compiled by :
·         Paragraph 1 : Joshua Karel Riantoputra
·         Paragraph 2 : Arundhati Taqwa
·         Paragraph 3 : Arundhati Taqwa
·         Paragraph 4 : Batrisya Izzati
·         Paragraph 5 : Raffi Fadlurahman
·         Paragraph 6 : Joshua Karel Riantoputra


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