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Monday, October 30, 2017

Venice : The Grand Canal

  • October 30, 2017
  • by

Venice is a city located in northeastern Italy and the capital of the Veneto region. Venice has long been one of the most popular cities in Europe, and welcoming millions of visitors every year. Venice is built on more than 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals – including the Grand Canal thoroughfare – lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces. The central square, Piazza San Marco, contains St. Mark’s Basilica, which is tiled with Byzantine mosaics, and the Campanile bell tower offering views of the city’s red roofs.

The Grand Canal is bridged at four points. The oldest and the most famous span is the Rialto Bridge. Designed by Antonio da  Ponte in the late 16th century, the Rialto Bridge crosses the canal at roughly its halfway point. The first Accademia Bridge was built in the mid-19th century at the canal’s east end to facilitate foot traffic. It was replaced in 1932 by a wooden bridge that was intended to be contemporary, but it was later reinforced with steel to lend it a degree of permanence. At the same year, the Scalzi Bridge was built at the west end of the canal to provide easier access to the city’s railway station. The Constitution Bridge, designed by a Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava and publicly shown for the first time in 2008, lies to the west of the Scalzi Bridge. It links the railway station to the bus terminal and the parking complex at Rome Square.

The Grand Canal Venice is situated 13 km from its city airport. It takes 17 minutes with car and if you want to go there with train, it'll take 36 minutes. What if you're at Rome? Don't worry, you still can go there too with train to get the fastest time (approximately 4-5 hours). And to feel the romantics of this beautiful canal with your couple or family, you should rent some gondola to down the river that the price starts from € 28.80 each person (for 30 minutes). To stay in hotel, there are many hotels near from the grand canal. The price to stay at hotel starts from € 26 until € 835 per night.

Venice quietest season is winter. You're unlikely to find Venice empty of tourists at any time, but late autumn and the early winter are the best times to come, if you want to avoid the crowds and take advantage of cheaper hotel rates. You also get the advantages to watch the Venice Carnivale near The Grand Canal, an annual open-air festival that fills the city with music, dancing, and masked party-goers. Travelling with kids? Don't miss the Ice-skating rink in Campo San Polo. Winter is also inarguably the most romantic and relaxing time to ride the gondola. It's empty, mist-shrouded canals glisten in the soft, surreal winter light.  Riding a gondola in winter can be a calming and deeply luxurious experience. It's also easier to broker a lower price with your gondoliere (it's about €5–10 cheaper than the usual price €80 for a 30-minute ride). 

Compiled by :
·         Paragraph 1 : M. Umar Farhat A.
·         Paragraph 2 : Desvida Luna N. F.
·         Paragraph 3 : Hafiz Abdul Rahman
·         Paragraph 4 : Wening Dyah Locitaresmi


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